SOSA – BEAZ program

SOSA – BEAZ program


This year 2021 starts very strong for Cancerappy

“Our project has been selected for the SOSA Tel Aviv-Beaz Bizkaia acceleration program.”

Hopefully, and as long as the covid19 let us, in May we will be in Tel Aviv developing our skills and networking with local companies. Now, to start, in online format.

Cancerappy awarded the prize for entrepreneurial initiative

Cancerappy awarded the prize for entrepreneurial initiative


Award #Premiosanjuan20 for Cancerappy… and its investors.

In this month the emblematic San Juan 2020 Awards of the Albacete Business Association took place in which, this year, Luis Martín, our CEO and Co-founder of Cancerappy, has been awarded the prize for entrepreneurial initiative.

In these moments of recognition, we cannot forget that Cancerappy would not have been possible without investors. For this reason, we want to thank and make part of this award to all the  invertors that has strongly committed to promoting our cancer research project from the beginning.

Pre-seed round

Pre-seed round

pre seed round

CancerAppy raised a pre-seed round of € 120K.

In the middle of the Covid pandemic and with the lockdown active, the CancerAppy team, led by its CEO Luis Martín, closed the negotiations for a pre-seed round with a group of local investors.

This allows us to move faster to meet the milestones set for this year 2020.